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Showing posts from April, 2017

Easter Ukrainian Style

Woah! Easter is a big deal in Ukraine, it seems my Host Family has gone to church for a week straight! There is a lot involved in Easter and many Christians know and like any holiday Ukrainians seem to take it a bit more seriously, bringing up to a new level. Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter is when people bring a bouquet of pussy willows to church and after the church service everyone stands outside the church and their pussy willows are blessed.These pussy willows are kept for the year for protection. The week was then filled with baking and more church services and of course school. (The package my English Clubs sent was also received in Wyoming, yeah!) My Host Mom made cakes throughout the week and on Friday we made Paska, a special bread that is decorated for Easter. Sometimes they are frosted and they look like giant cupcakes and other are rounder and shorted with bread designs on top. Saturday is spent deep cleaning and adding the final touches the basket for Sunday. Af...